Set aside time to plan for four modules under exam condition is very important.
Speak relevant,fluent,gently(if you are a fast speaker, please be aware of incorrect sentences[do not be panic]),and also with proper eye contact.
If you pose wrongly, if you said wrong sentence, cut it and start with new sentence.
show your ability to jump from one idea to new one. Do your best try.
Cope with stress. If you are a nervous person like me, take a Indral pill with low dose(10 mill).I'm sure it calms you and your heart beat will be moderate.
Do not lose your time under exam condition. Despite stopping by examiner under exam condition during the interview, do not pause or think about your faults.
Focus on his/her face, speak as much fluent as possible.
Time yourself for each section. You have 3 section which you should spend 20 minutes on each section. Do not spend time on each section more than 20-21 minutes.
Do not think about a specific question more than 1-1/30 minutes. You have not enough time to think deeply. Leave it easily and come to another question.
Start with Task 2.Spend almost 30-32 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.
Continue with Task 1.Spend almost 15-17 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.
If you have extra time review more than once.
***a 250-word essay with two times previewing is worth more than a 350-word essay without previewing***
To not Missing conversation do following tips:
-Follow dialogues & monologues as much as possible with careful concentration
-When the tape starts, for example, he/she said "now answer question 1 to 7"
do not pay attention only one question follow the words which written for question 1 and 2.You have found an answer for 1,follow 2 and 3 with your fingers and so on until you come to 7.
If you lose one of these answeres,do not worry, just go on & listen carefully to find
the other answers.
-At the of the listening test when you are given 10 minutes to transfer your answer to the answer sheet, do not waste your time; act as much fast as possible.
Be aware of capital letters, logic answers,gramatical problems and so on.
-Multiple choice questions in this module & also in reading are the most difficult type of questions. There is no negative mark for guessing ,then if you doubt to choose a answer, do not hesitate choose one possibility.
Over to you dear candidate...
Speak relevant,fluent,gently(if you are a fast speaker, please be aware of incorrect sentences[do not be panic]),and also with proper eye contact.
If you pose wrongly, if you said wrong sentence, cut it and start with new sentence.
show your ability to jump from one idea to new one. Do your best try.
Cope with stress. If you are a nervous person like me, take a Indral pill with low dose(10 mill).I'm sure it calms you and your heart beat will be moderate.
Do not lose your time under exam condition. Despite stopping by examiner under exam condition during the interview, do not pause or think about your faults.
Focus on his/her face, speak as much fluent as possible.
Time yourself for each section. You have 3 section which you should spend 20 minutes on each section. Do not spend time on each section more than 20-21 minutes.
Do not think about a specific question more than 1-1/30 minutes. You have not enough time to think deeply. Leave it easily and come to another question.
Start with Task 2.Spend almost 30-32 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.
Continue with Task 1.Spend almost 15-17 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.
If you have extra time review more than once.
***a 250-word essay with two times previewing is worth more than a 350-word essay without previewing***
To not Missing conversation do following tips:
-Follow dialogues & monologues as much as possible with careful concentration
-When the tape starts, for example, he/she said "now answer question 1 to 7"
do not pay attention only one question follow the words which written for question 1 and 2.You have found an answer for 1,follow 2 and 3 with your fingers and so on until you come to 7.
If you lose one of these answeres,do not worry, just go on & listen carefully to find
the other answers.
-At the of the listening test when you are given 10 minutes to transfer your answer to the answer sheet, do not waste your time; act as much fast as possible.
Be aware of capital letters, logic answers,gramatical problems and so on.
-Multiple choice questions in this module & also in reading are the most difficult type of questions. There is no negative mark for guessing ,then if you doubt to choose a answer, do not hesitate choose one possibility.
Over to you dear candidate...