Friday, July 27, 2007

Time management & tips

Set aside time to plan for four modules under exam condition is very important.


Speak relevant,fluent,gently(if you are a fast speaker, please be aware of incorrect sentences[do not be panic]),and also with proper eye contact.

If you pose wrongly, if you said wrong sentence, cut it and start with new sentence.

show your ability to jump from one idea to new one. Do your best try.

Cope with stress. If you are a nervous person like me, take a Indral pill with low dose(10 mill).I'm sure it calms you and your heart beat will be moderate.

Do not lose your time under exam condition. Despite stopping by examiner under exam condition during the interview, do not pause or think about your faults.

Focus on his/her face, speak as much fluent as possible.


Time yourself for each section. You have 3 section which you should spend 20 minutes on each section. Do not spend time on each section more than 20-21 minutes.

Do not think about a specific question more than 1-1/30 minutes. You have not enough time to think deeply. Leave it easily and come to another question.


Start with Task 2.Spend almost 30-32 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.

Continue with Task 1.Spend almost 15-17 minutes on it. Then review it. Find your faults. Correct them.

If you have extra time review more than once.

***a 250-word essay with two times previewing is worth more than a 350-word essay without previewing***


To not Missing conversation do following tips:

-Follow dialogues & monologues as much as possible with careful concentration

-When the tape starts, for example, he/she said "now answer question 1 to 7"
do not pay attention only one question follow the words which written for question 1 and 2.You have found an answer for 1,follow 2 and 3 with your fingers and so on until you come to 7.
If you lose one of these answeres,do not worry, just go on & listen carefully to find
the other answers.

-At the of the listening test when you are given 10 minutes to transfer your answer to the answer sheet, do not waste your time; act as much fast as possible.
Be aware of capital letters, logic answers,gramatical problems and so on.

-Multiple choice questions in this module & also in reading are the most difficult type of questions. There is no negative mark for guessing ,then if you doubt to choose a answer, do not hesitate choose one possibility.

Over to you dear candidate...

Read out aloud:

I did not use to believe improving English by method which offered me to reading aloud.For the first time my tutor told me this is a useful method that can help you to speak fluently, memorize key words as you listen or so.

To be honest, I thought this is ridiculous & without advantages.

Little by little I found out that this effective method of learning is very fruitful to improve our skills. When you are reading aloud,the part of your brain where is responsible for language is starting to skim & follow the words which will be reviewed after a couple next.In fact,read out aloud is one of the usful methods which helps you
to learn a foreign language as much fluent as possible.

Moreover,it makes you faster & faster in Speaking module.I wholehearthedly support it.

Try it please.I'm sure you enjoy it especially when you're in public place,among your friends!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Some tips

From tonight onwards I have decided continuing to write,listen,and practice my skills. Although I could not to be successful under exam condition I do not allow a piece of paper to assess my knowledge!

For listening we can use BBC world on satellite, many CDs in markets. for writing it would be better to memorize one essay or two essays of book entitled TOEFL ESSAY per week to improve our ideas.
For reading I myself prefer to read newspapers & Fact Files or so.

Finally for speaking what if we have a good partner to listen us. But maybe our words make him/her angry or he/she goes mad!

Note that choose a patient partner is an essential issue!

To put in a nutshell, I myself want to keep my knowledge update since then.

And you…! Yourself should pay attention to what to do!
Note time flies…Does not stop for you…we should not lose our time…

Good luck…

How do I assesse the IELTS exam which was held on 21 & 25 July at British Council

Arrangement,discipline,co-operation,quality of environment:

Listening,reading & Writing:


Supervisors acted politely,gently,without any extera debate to prefer
extra paper or give information,they were so kind


Not perfect

some complaint: delay on starting exam,strict examiner!,...

All in all,to tell thetruth I should say I do not complain about exam like previous time.Unfortunately I could not to show my best but I did my best try even I could not catch 6.5.I will trymore & more to catch my favourite results.

I coutinue giving tips of IELTS on this blog.Do not doubt I am here for you & you are there for me.

Good luck...

25 July IELTS


- What's your full name sir?
- Whereabouts(which neighbourhood) in tehran do you live?
- Describe your city?
- Do you think things has changed during 10 years past in your neighbourhood?


Speak about the sport event which you enjoyed watching or participating

- What was that?
- With whom you watched?
- Why that was enjoyable?


- Is there any club near your home?
- What's your favourite sport?
- The ticket price at stadium is fair & chip?
- Do you prefer watching sports at home or go to stadium?

That sort of things.....!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

IELTS 21 July

IELTS 21 July

- conversation between patient & secretary
Monologue about industrial products(cotton,… -

!The majority was Gap filling,table,and unfortunately multiple choice


-Light,sound under water and that sort of things
-Gesture changing
-sense of human about investment on money,economic,sport,…

Unfortunately %70 was Matching Headline – 25% True,False,Not Given
-5% Gap filling!

Without any Summarize or so on…

(injustice….Happy to me!)



Bar chart about 5 continents (Asia,Africa,Europe,…)
Statistics in 2000,2005 about the population of people aged over 60


Nowadays the majority of criminals committed by teenagers.

Tell the causes of this problem.

Measures to deal with it.

All in all, I did my best try on two modules Listening & Writing, but to tell the truth reading was too hard & I was completely confused about it. As a result, undoubtedly I will fail…

But I have still hope & am hopeful…try more and more to capture the peaks!

Good luck dears…

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

404 with 4 exams

for Speaking module

Useful book which helps you to be familiar with many topics in Speaking.